March 24th-30th, 2025


“Show me your stuff!”

  • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event. 
  • Create your Kingdom Hearts-adjacent piece or formulate an idea of a piece for the art gallery!
  • Use your own original work. We will not accept plagiarism or AI generated images.
  • Remember that art displaying nudity, gore, or are sexually provocative are not allowed to be a part of our gallery. This is a PG-13 event! 
  • Remember that art that appears to portray shipping is also not allowed.
  • Do not submit old works, this picture should not be shared publicly as of November 9th, 2024.
  • Art pieces of any medium are all welcome, including gifs!

Sign Up!

  • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.
  • When signing up, your social media information will be linked alongside your piece as part of our gallery.
  • Upon signing up, you will be emailed about your interest in the Cosmic Arts Exhibition.

Cosmic Arts Exhibition

  • Art entrants can also choose to be part of our Cosmic Arts Exhibition.
  • This is a special event highlighting artists during our scheduled programming. Members of the staff will be displaying your art while we provide commentary over it. The description should be a short paragraph that is no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud.

Check in!

  • We’ll be sending an email asking about the progress of your piece on February 10th, 2025. We don’t need a proof of concept, just let us know you’re on track for March 1st. Please give a response by February 15th, 2025.

Artists’ Alley: Turn it in!

  • Make sure you send in your FINAL piece by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025. To turn it in, email with your work as either a .jpg or .png attachment. It must be smaller than 200 MB.
  • Be sure to also submit a 140-character bio about yourself, the piece, or anything else you’d like the audience to know about your submission. This will go alongside your photo in our gallery, as well as the Cosmic Arts Exhibition. Your description should be either a .txt or .doc attachment, and your art piece as either a .jpg, .gif or .png attachment.
  • Link us to one (1) social media account you would like to promote next to your Illustration in our Artists’ Alley

Cosmic Arts Exhibition: Turn it in!

  • Create a separate email for the Cosmic Arts Exhibition submission. Please RESEND your art piece as an attachment. Your email should also include one (1) link to your social media, as well as a short paragraph that is no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud. Send it to with your link in the body of the email, and the paragraph as either a .txt or .doc as an attachment, and your art piece as either a .jpg, .gif, or .png attachment.
  • Please take advantage of this description to list any information that may not be present in your Artist Alley description. This will be used to Cosmic Arts Exhibition your art piece, and portions of it will be read aloud. Example: What was your creative process? What do you like about your medium? Our audience would love to hear about it!

Enjoy the event!

  • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. All art pieces will be displayed on our website’s Artists’ Alley.


“Show me your stuff!”

  • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event.
  • Take your favorite picture of yourself in Kingdom Hearts-adjacent cosplay for the art gallery!
  • Use your own original work. We will not accept plagiarism or AI generated images.
  • Remember that photos displaying nudity, gore, or are sexually provocative are not allowed to be a part of our gallery. This is a PG-13 event! 
  • Remember that photos that appear to portray shipping are also not allowed.
  • Do not submit old works, this picture should not be shared publicly as of November 9th, 2024. Please note that your cosplay can be older, we want to see some new images!
  • Store-bought, hand-crafted, and commissioned cosplays are all welcome!

Sign Up!

  • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.
  • When signing up, your social media information will be linked alongside your photo as part of our gallery.
  • Upon signing up, you will be emailed about your interest in the Cosplay Showcase.

Costume Catwalk

  • Cosplay entrants can also choose to be part of our Costume Catwalk.
  • This is a special event highlighting cosplayers during our scheduled programming. Members of the staff will be displaying a series of at most 30 photos or a 3 minute (max) video of your cosplay. If you’d like us to provide commentary over your video, we would need a description of the cosplay, its process, and/or any other information you’d like the audience to know about your work. The description should be no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud.
  • We may also be reaching out to you about creating further promotional materials for March Caprice’s Cosplay category.
  • You will receive an invitation to sign up for the Cosplay Showcase in an email after you sign up for the event.

Check in!

  • We’ll be sending an email asking about the progress of your piece on February 10th, 2025. We don’t need a proof of concept, just let us know you’re on track for March 1st. Please give a response by February 15th, 2025.

Cosplay Gallery: Turn it in!

  • Make sure you send in your FINAL photo by 11:59pm March 1st, 2024. This should be your best, SINGLE photo you want for display. To turn it in, email with your work as either a .jpg or .png attachment. The photo must be less than 200 MB. This Gallery Submission email should be separate from the Cosplay Showcase email.
  • Be sure to also submit a 140-character bio about yourself, the cosplay, or anything else you’d like the audience to know about your submission. This will go alongside your photo in our gallery. Your description should be either a .txt or .doc attachment.

Costume Catwalk: Turn it in!

  • Create a separate email for the Costume Catwalk submission. It should include max 30 photos or 3 mins of footage to with your work as either a .jpg or .png for stills and .mp4 for videos as attachments. 

Enjoy the event!

  • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. All Cosplay Gallery pieces will be displayed on our website’s Artists’ Alley.


“Show me your stuff!”

  • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event. 
  • Be sure to have streamed at least once before signing up.
  • Brainstorm a Kingdom Hearts-adjacent livestream for the event!
  • Remember that streams displaying nudity, gore, or are sexually provocative are not allowed to be a part of our event. Try to keep swear/curse words to a minimum, although it is understandable in moderation. This is a PG-13 event!
  • To make sure we’re able to see your past VODs, enable “Store past broadcasts” to save broadcasts from the last 7 days. If you stream less than twice every 7 days, be sure the “Always publish VODs” setting is also on.
    • To get to this setting, click on your icon in the upper right corner and select “Video producer” from the dropdown menu. Then on the left panel, go to “Settings” and click “Stream”. Scroll down to the “VOD Settings” box, and be sure that the appropriate settings “Store Past Broadcasts” and “Always Publish VODs” boxes are checked. For additional help, see this page:

Sign Up!

  • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.
  • When signing up, your social media information will be displayed visually during the Streamer showcase.

    Streamer Showcase

    • Livestream entrants can also choose to be part of our Streamer Showcase.
    • This is a special event highlighting streamers during our scheduled programming. Members of the staff will be interviewing you on your content, showcasing clips, and promoting your channel in a fun, upbeat, pre-recorded video. 
    • (Optional) You can send 2-3min of highlights to be featured during your segment of the Showcase. We will use these clips to promote your channel in a curated montage, or B-roll during your interview.

    Check in!

    • Sign ups for timeslots will be sent out on February 24th, 2025.
    • You will receive a schedule draft for the event on March 10th, 2025, and have until March 12th, 2025 to make any requested changes to the schedule. 
    • We may be popping into any streams between your sign up and the event day.

    Enjoy the event!

    • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. The schedule will go live on March 17th, 2025. Your Livestream will begin on your assigned day, enjoy your time with your chat!


    “Show me your stuff!”

    • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event.
    • You may not sell anything using March Caprice assets, or any other assets that don’t belong to you, without permission from the original creator(s). Proof of permission may be requested.
    • Use your own original work. We will not accept plagiarism or AI generated images.
    • Remember that art displaying nudity, gore, or are sexually provocative are not allowed to be a part of our gallery. This is a PG-13 event! 
    • Remember that art that appears to portray shipping is also not allowed.

    Sign Up!

    • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.
    • When signing up, your social media information will be linked alongside your shop info.
    • Upon signing up, you will be emailed about your interest in the infoMERCHial.


    • Merch entrants can also choose to be part of our InfoMERCHial Showcase.
    • This is a special event highlighting merch during our scheduled programming. Members of the staff will be displaying your merch while we provide commentary over it. The description should be a short paragraph that is no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud.
    • We’ll also need B-roll footage. It should be 720p-1080p, shot in Landscape orientation, no bigger than 1GB, and no longer than 15 minutes, per person. It must be in an MP4 format. You can be as creative with your shots as you like, but we do require at least one (1) 360° rotating shot of each piece. Be sure to take your time with this particular shot, slow and steady is the way to go.
    • Otherwise, you can take advantage of our B-roll Footage Service that we offer. We will professionally shoot a video of your merch piece(s) for you. These pieces will need to be sent to our videographer by Feb 15th. We’ll be contacting you with details privately at a future date.

    Checking in!

    • We’ll be sending an email asking about the progress of your piece on February 10th, 2025. We don’t need a proof of concept, just let us know you’re on track for March 1st. Please give a response by February 15th, 2025.
    • If you ARE participating in our infoMERCHial and sending your Merch to our videographer please send us a quick note confirming that you will be prepared to mail out your pieces by February 15th. Please give a response by February 15th, 2024.
    • If you want to create a discount code specifically for March Caprice, we ask that you accept the discount code MERCHCAPRICE for your store from at least Sunday, March 24th to Saturday, March 30th. Please mention this in your description if you are in fact taking a part of the discount code special. If you’re having a store-wide sale during the week but not using the discount code, please make a special note of that in the description as well.

    Artists’ Alley: Turn it in!

    • Create an email for your Artists’ Alley submission.  Send us the following items to by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025:
    • A picture of any of your Merchandise for us to display in our gallery. It can be a single piece of merch, or a collage of all your items, but it can only be one photo as either a .jpg or .png attachment.
    • A 140-character bio about yourself, the piece, or anything else you’d like the audience to know about your submission. This will go alongside your photo in our gallery. This should be saved as a .txt or .doc attachment.
    • In the BODY of your email:
      • A link to your store.
      • (Optional) A link to your primary social media account. This can also be a multi-link service such as linktree or carrd.

    infoMERCHial: Turn it in!

    • Create a separate email for the infoMERCHial submission. Send us the following items to by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025:
      • A three to five minute clip of your items, that we’ll add commentary over. Submit as an .MP4 attachment. Videos cannot be bigger than 1GB. OR if you have taken advantage of our B-roll Footage Service, make a quick note saying “I have sent in my merch to be photographed by March Caprice’s videographer” in the body of the email.
      • A description of the showcased pieces, It should be no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud. We’ll use this description to promote your merchandise in an infomercial-like fashion.

    Enjoy the event!

    • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. All Merch photos will be displayed on our website’s Artists’ Alley.
    • The infoMERCHial will be displayed as scheduled programming on the March Caprice Livestream, hosted on YouTube and Twitch.


    Make your music!

    • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event. 
    • Create your Kingdom Hearts-adjacent musical piece!
    • You may only make 1 track, and the total runtime must not exceed 10 minutes.
    • Use your own original work. You must own 100% of your audio (please don’t include copyrighted game sounds, etc).
    • Do not reuse old covers, this should not exist to the public as of November 9th, 2024.
    • Come up with a visual aspect to your presentation.
      • If you cannot, be sure to reach out to us, and we will give you a default visual to use for your presentation.
    • Covers and fan-made original music inspired by the series are welcome.
    • Music will be presented as a special scheduled showcase just like past years Concert Soirée.

    Sign Up!

    • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.
    • By signing up, you agree to have your social media information be displayed visually during the musical concert.

    Check in!

    • We’ll be sending an email asking about the progress of your piece on February 10th, 2025. We’ll need a little proof of concept, to let us know how you’re coming along. These can be anything as simple as a WIP or a short description of what your piece includes and the progress so far! Please give a response by February 15th, 2025.

    Turn it in!

    • Make sure you send in your FINAL rendered piece by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025. To turn it in, email with your piece as an .MP4 or uncompressed .WAV attachment.

    Enjoy the event!

    • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. All Music pieces will be a part of a music concert that will be presented as scheduled programming on the March Caprice Livestream, hosted on YouTube and Twitch.


    “Show me your stuff!”

    • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event. 
    • Create your Kingdom Hearts-adjacent video!
    • Use your own original work. We will not accept plagiarism or AI generated content.
    • Be sure to have uploaded at least one video before signing up.
    • You should have an idea of the video you are going to make as part of the March Caprice event.
    • Remember that videos displaying nudity, gore, or are sexually provocative are not allowed to be a part of our event. Take advantage of bleeps for swear/curse words. This is a PG-13 event! 
    • Remember that videos that appear to portray shipping are also not allowed.
    • Videos cannot exceed 60 minutes (1 hour) in length, and must be over 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
    • Do not submit old works, this video should not be shared publicly as of November 9th, 2024.
    • We are not accepting TikTok as a platform to showcase work. A compilation of TikToks uploaded as a YouTube video is acceptable.

    Sign up!

    • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.

    Check in!

    • We’ll be sending an email asking about the progress of your piece on February 10th, 2025. We don’t need a proof of concept, just let us know you’re on track for March 1st. Please give a response by February 15th, 2025.
    • Sign ups for timeslots will be sent out on February 24th, 2025, fill it out by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025.
    • You will receive a schedule draft for the event on March 10th, 2025, and have until March 12th, 2025 to make any requested changes to the schedule.

    Turn it in!

    • Make sure to upload your FINAL video to YouTube by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025. DO NOT set the video to public, leave the video as UNLISTED and send the link for it to by that March 1st deadline to complete your entry. 
    • Make sure to also complete your Timeslot Sign-Up form by 11:59pm March 1st, 2025.
    • Your submission will be reviewed between March 2nd and March 7th, if for any reason you receive a note(s) to change your video, you must complete those changes and re-upload by 11:59pm March 8th, 2025.
    • All finalizations for content will be complete, and all participants approved by March 10th 2024, you will receive a schedule draft for the event, and have until March 12th, 2025 to make any requested changes to the schedule.
    • You will be responsible for setting up your video to premiere at your timeslot. Remember the schedule will be in EST. The maximum countdown length for premieres that will be allowed at our event is 2 minutes.

    Enjoy the event!

    • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. Your Premiere will begin at your assigned time, enjoy your time with your chat!
    • Once your video is done, we encourage you to redirect to the next event either using the YouTube Live Redirect feature. If the event after you isn’t a YouTube video, we encourage you to send a link in your live chat to the next event.


    Write your Stories!

    • Be sure to read our Terms of Service before you sign up. By submitting for sign ups you agree to abide by our ToS for the event. 
    • Create your Kingdom Hearts-adjacent story!
    • Use your own original work. We will not accept plagiarism or AI generated content.
    • Remember that writing portraying nudity, gore, or containing sexually provocative imagery are not allowed to be a part of our Writer’s Room. This is a PG-13 event! 
    • Do not submit old works, this should not be shared publicly as of November 9th, 2024.
    • Remember that writing that appears to portray shipping is also not allowed.
    • Come up with a 8.5×11’’ cover image for your work.
      • If you cannot, be sure to reach out to us, and we will give you a default visual to use for your story.

    Sign Up!

    • Be sure to fill out the sign up form which can be found on our home page.
    • When signing up, your social media information will be linked alongside your piece as part of our gallery.
    • Upon signing up, you will be emailed about your interest in the Writer’s Showcase.

    Story Time Showcase

    • Writer entrants can also choose to be part of our Story Time Showcase.
    • This is a special event highlighting writers during our scheduled programming. Members of the staff will be displaying the cover of your piece while commentary is read over it. You may provide a recording of yourself reading a portion of your piece, or someone will read it for you. Please make sure to make a special note if you would prefer one section in particular. The description should be a short paragraph that is no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud.

    Check in!

    • We’ll be sending an email asking about the progress of your piece on February 10th, 2025. We don’t need a proof of concept, just let us know you’re on track for March 1st. Please give a response by February 15th, 2025.

    Writer’s Room: Turn it in!

    • Make sure you send in your FINAL written piece by 11:59pm March 2nd, 2025. To turn it in, email with your work as either a .doc or .txt attachment,  or a link to your work.
    • As a separate attachment, add your summary (1-3 sentences) as either a .doc or .txt attachment. 
    • If you have a piece of artwork for the cover, it should be emailed as a 8.5×11’’ .png or .jpg attachment.

    Story Time: Turn it in!

    • Create a separate email for the Story Time Showcase submission. It should include one (1) link to your social media, as well as a short paragraph description that is no less than 140 characters, and take no longer than 3 minutes to read aloud. Send it to with your link in the body of the email, and the paragraph as either a .txt or .doc as an attachment. 
    • Please take advantage of this description to list any information that may not be present in your Writer’s Room description. This will be used to showcase your story, and portions of it will be read aloud. Example: What was your creative process? What do you like about your medium? Our audience would love to hear about it!
    • Also send an excerpt of your story to be read aloud during Story Time. This should take no longer than 3 minutes to read out loud and should be sent as either a .txt or .doc as an attachment to this same email.

    Enjoy the event!

    • Keep a lookout on our website and social media accounts for any updates. All Writing pieces will be displayed on our website’s Writer’s Room.
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