March 24th-30th, 2025

Art by Koroblynx

Art by Koroblynx

A drawing of Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in a test tube that has a DNA helix, representing their twin-like connection. Follow Koroblynx on Social Media: Instagram
Art by JointOperation

Art by JointOperation

I’m JointOperation, an artist and writer who loves the friendship genre. Thank you for taking a look at my drawing, and happy March Caprice! Follow JointOperation on Social Media: DeviantArt
Art by jocy/teamdays

Art by jocy/teamdays

Hi! I’m Jocy! 358/2 days helped me a lot when I was a young teen, so I drew something silly with Roxas & Xion to celebrate the spring season. Follow jocy/teamdays on Social Media: Tumblr
“Duality” by hum

“Duality” by hum

3D art’s my favorite medium because I got into it wanting to make things on the same level of quality as Square’s cinematics. Made in Blender 4.0 Follow hum on Social Media: Twitter
Art by houseofbelmont

Art by houseofbelmont

I predominately work with gothic medieval themes, but I love the boisterous and cheerful style Sora brings as a protagonist, so naturally I combined these elements to make my piece. Follow houseofbelmont on Social Media: Instagram
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