March 24th-30th, 2025

Art by Elaxn

Through Sora’s journey and sacrifices, he thinks of himself, of that little boy, and wonders if he’s doing what he can to protect him too?

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2024✨March Caprice 2024✨March Caprice IV


  1. Clayres Graye

    Yesssss, this is the good stuff, send Sora to Therapy (which seems to be a common theme this year >_>)! But also, Ow, My Heart!
    I love how you’ve kept this in the lineart plus shading, it’s even more powerful like that, like a still image or freeze frame that makes you hold your breath!!
    Through the ache, have a HAPPY MARCH CAPRICE!!! <3

  2. readingchameleon

    A punch straight to the feels, it was super effective….!

    11/10 would read a future-sora talking to past-sora fic! Just this one drawing speaks *so much* – many many mroe than a thousand words.

    Thanks so much for sharing, and happy (late?) march caprice! ✨


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