March 24th-30th, 2025

“A Heart Unchained” by PoH

Summary: As Maleficent hunts down all seven Princesses of Heart, the captured ones have been locked in the dungeons. The doors are locked and magical.

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2024✨March Caprice 2024✨March Caprice IV


  1. Mina

    Such a fun story, the princesses of heart while captured is so full of ideas and the girls really do have nerves of steel that they never get to show. Alas, the story of Kingdom Hearts only works if they fail. But they still got a symbolic victory over Maleficent.

  2. sylleblossom-gaia

    this piece has a perspective not often seen in kingdom hearts–that of the princesses of heart. and during their time with maleficient! this is a period of time that i haven’t really seen explored before, and so it stuck out to me in a major way
    i love the character that all of the princesses are given, and i really liked the opportunity to see them fight back against their imprisonment, using the characteristics we know them to have. this kind of characterization was absent from the game, and you explore it so so well! thank you so much for sharing with us.


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